The Big Battlefield Bike Ride (BBBR) is a cycle challenge that mixes military history, friendship and fundraising.

The Dunkirk route is similar of the British Expeditionary Force route of Operation Dynamo. Over 338,000 troops in 1940 were evacuated from Dunkirk.

For over 10 years the charity cycle ride has raised much needed funds for veterans and their families.

How is the money used?. Your fundraising target is £3000.

£199 is payable on registration. £1,631 due on 10 March 2023 latest to cover the cost of your trip.
All transport,transfers throughout the ride; ferry departing from Portsmouth to Caen, coach transfers and take the Eurostar back to the UK.
Accommodation is for six nights, 11th June to 16th June)
All food and drinks, which includes a dinner at Portsmouth on 11th June and breaky on 17th June before the journey home.

BBBR cycling jersey and medal for everyone.
Every penny you raise above the original cost of £3,000 due by 8th September 2023 veterans and their families’


MONDAY 12th June, Etretat to Dieppe
It starts on the cliffs of Étretat then to Dieppe via Saint-Valery-en-Caux.
TUESDAY 13th June, Dieppe to Le Touquet
From Dieppe, its along the coast north and ending in Le Touquet.
WEDNESDAY 14th June its a ride from Le Touqet to Bethune
Going inland, and visiting the British Army HQ in Montreuil from 1916–1919.
THURSDAY 15th June we travel on our bikes from Bethune to Ypres
Going north to Ypres, a major battlefields of the First World War.
FRIDAY 16th June its Ypres to Dunkirk
We now head to Dunkirk, famous for Operation Dynamo.
SATURDAY 17th June its Ypres to London via Eurostar

Take a rucksack

More info here Big Battlefield Bike Ride, Help for Heroes
