Savvy cycling brings you some of the best cycling deals available helping you save money. Deals include bikes, cycling clothing, cycle accessories, in fact anything to do with cycling. If you know of any great cycling deals please let us know. We also feature cycling news, bike maintenance, new cycling products and cycling events. We are mainly e-bike orientated but also include conventional bikes.
Our information section includes a comprehensive directory of of cycling related businesses including bike shops, cycle services and repair centres, specialist businesses such as E-bike battery repairs, bike hire and much more. Our e-bike database lists details of hundreds of electric hybrids, folding bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes and gravels. Ideal if you are looking to buy a second hand bike and need to find specifications and features etc.
If you are planning a bike packing trip then you will find numerous cycle routes listed in our bike trails section. Here you can find route information, GPX routes to download, hints and tips and also accommodation to find on route.
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