Post Covid 19 Bike Shortage May Continue for Some Months

A DW report focuses on the Post Covid 19 Bike Shortage May Continue in Germany but no doubt is a problem playing out in many virus hit countries as people move to two wheels in fears of returning to public transport.

This is  one of many examples given in the article that shows many bike and electric bike makers are probably not going to be able to fulfill demand for the near future:

Bike maker Stevens in Hamburg, Germany, confirms manufacturers are currently having a complete sellout of their products. Volker Dohrmann, head of product marketing and strategy at Stevens, says the rise in demand since April has all but emptied out warehouses current storing 2020 models.

“We’re experiencing a dry spell at the moment, probably lasting until the fall when the new 2021 models will arrive,” Dohrmann told DW.

The marketing specialist has been with Stevens since the founding of the company in 1990, and describes sales in the month of May as the best over the past 20 to 30 years. “I’ve also heard this from other bicycle manufacturers in other countries,  in the US, the Benelux countries and in England,”

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