The health benefits of cycling are commonly known but yet lots of people find it difficult to keep up with a cycling plan because of work and family commitments. Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and lots of people do not exercising enough, or not at all. They are so busy that they cannot fit in a sensible fitness regime. Also you may have health problems that prevents the sort of exercise that you can take part in.


Electric bikes are a good solution to these problems. They are designed to be ridden in the pedal assist mode. The rider pedals, the motor assists. You can also select the amount of assistance given by the bike. This means that if you are feeling healthy or on a flat road or track you can choose less electric assistance. When there is a hill or head wind you can power up the help.


Once it is understood that an electric bike rider still has input as to how much they can exert themselves, the health benefits become much clearer.

Bike riders with a busy lifestyle can use an electric bike for both transport and exercise. Using full assistance when riding to work means  you do not arrive hot and sweaty. The latest trend word is “Destination Clothing” and this is an apt description. For the journey home you can pick less assistance and increase the amount of pedal exercise.

Riders who are less able can build their fitness up by using higher levels of assistance at the start of their health and fitness plan. They can then slowly reduce the level of assistance as fitness levels increase. Riding an e-bike means that you tend to travel more distance than on a standard bike.

Health research shows that riding an electric bike is not copping out and is classed as moderate exercise. Adults are recommended to achieve 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on five or more days per week. Riding a power assisted electric bicycle i.e. pedaling with assistance comes within this classification

Do a lot of pedaling, look at these
