Cycle touring usually involves a multi day cycling trip usually on road. It can be as short as a day or maybe last months (or even years!). Generally cycle touring involves travel by road, unlike bike packing which is often used to describe cycle touring offroad. Touring bikes generally use panniers mounted on front and rear racks to carry luggage. Most cycle tourist camp at either designated campsite or wild camp although there is nothing to stop you staying in hotels, B&B’s etc.
A typical daily mileage whilst cycle touring depends on the terrain, your fitness level and your trip goals. For a reasonably flat route with a reasonable level of fitness then 50 miles a day is a decent target to aim for. Remember your bike will be much heavier with luggage.
Cycle touring has many advantages over other forms of travel.
- its environmentally friendly
- you will see things, meet people and visit places along the route that wouldnt have if travelling by any other means.
- its inexpensive. Many cycle tourers camp and cook meaning you can have much longer holidays for your money. Wild camping makes it even more inexpensive
- its physically and mentally good for you
See books about cycle touring on Amazon