This bike is designed by Nico Vouillez who is 10x World MTB Champion. Being an avid MTB’er he wanted a bike that was natural to ride and with the fun of the electric assistance when it was needed.
The engineers at Lapierre HQ in Dijon, France got down to business. Asked to design a bike that is a normal bike and an electric bike as one, difficult job! They did it by using a lightweight carbon frame as the platform for the eZesty. They totally integrated the Fazua eSystem within the frame. From this, the Lapierre eZesty was created.
Not only is the Fazua drive one of the lightest systems you can buy with battery & motor combined, but it also allows the rider to completely remove from the frame if required. Different to any other eBike system in the stores! In doing this it reduces the weight down to just 14kg. Try a comparison to other 160mm travel bikes.
Not only is the Fazua drive lightweight, but it is completely drag free when outside of the assistance zones. It does this by disengaging the motor when not being used, offering the rider a much more natural pedal feel.
When you combine the Fazua drive with the lightweight Lapierre carbon frame, carbon wheels & bars on the eZesty AM LTD Ultimate 2020 this electric bike weighs in at just 18kg.